Who’s Your Father?

Laphroaig is the Marmite of whiskeys and I know a number of Scotch lovers who hate it (maybe hate is too strong a word). It also tends not to sit well in cocktails, as the medicinal iodine peat smoke tends to blow every other taste out the water. We therefore set ourselves a challenge to come up with something that...sort of works.

A bar in Marylebone came up with the genesis of the idea - mixing Laphroaig, bitters and the lemon. This was good, but we wanted a little more bang for out buck so continued the citrus theme with the triple sec and then threw in some tequila to perk it up.

We appreciate that some serious Scotch lovers are reeling in horror at the thought of putting Laphroaig with anything other than a drop of water. We sympathise, but after thinking it over think you should suck it up and let it go already.


  1. 1 msr

  2. 1 msr

  3. 1 msr

  4. 2 tsp     

  5. 2 tsp     

  6. Dash of Angostura Bitters

The Marvellous Method

Add the ingredients to a shaker with ice and stir well. Served in a chilled martini glass.

Who’s Your Father?

Laphroaig 10 yr

Gold Tequila

Lemon Juice

Triple Sec

Sugar Syrup